
Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy services offered in Houston, TX

Massage therapy is a powerful, effective method of treatment to help heal your ailments. At Body Balance Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Houston, Texas, Shawn Taher, DC, and his expert team use massage therapy to alleviate your pain and symptoms caused by various physical conditions. Schedule an appointment by phone or click online today. 

Massage Therapy Q&A

What is massage therapy?

When your body takes on an overload of stress, it can affect you emotionally and physically, ultimately affecting your overall well-being. Taking care of stress via exercise, breathing techniques, or doing your best to get some rest can certainly help. However, an appointment for a massage with the chiropractic professionals at Body Balance Chiropractic & Wellness Center can enhance your healing.

Massage therapy offers several different techniques depending on your physical condition. As your massage therapist targets various soft tissues and muscles, they improve your musculoskeletal efficiency and stimulate healing. Even a single massage session can reduce your cortisol and insulin levels and significantly lower your heart rate.

What are the benefits of massage therapy?

Massage therapy offers the obvious benefit of relaxation. But, it provides far more than just a relaxing experience. Benefits include:

  • Unwinds tight knots in your body
  • Removes toxin buildup in your muscles
  • Relaxes tense nerves
  • Increases circulation
  • Increases flexibility in your connective tissues and muscles

Massage therapy improves your overall body function. The effects of the massage continue to work in your body once you’re finished with your appointment. You not only feel relaxed and calm, but your body also becomes energized.

What issues can massage therapy target?

When you schedule an appointment at Body Balance Chiropractic & Wellness Center, your massage therapist first learns about the areas that need attention. They have the expertise to focus on:


  • Relieving nerve compression
  • Releasing tight muscles
  • Deactivating trigger points
  • Increasing flexibility and range of motion
  • Improving posture issues
  • Calming your nervous system
  • Improving circulation


Your massage therapist communicates with you throughout your massage experience to ensure you stay comfortable throughout the treatment.

Can massage therapy prevent health issues?

The answer is yes! Massage therapy is a component of the comprehensive approach to chiropractic care to help you maintain optimal health. Dr. Taher and the team at Body Balance Chiropractic & Wellness Center encourage monthly massage therapy to keep your body stress free, relaxed, and functioning at its peak performance.

To experience massage therapy at Body Balance Chiropractic & Wellness Center for relaxation and a recharge for your body, call today or contact the team using the online option.